Animal Planet
Latin American Kingdom
Illustrations | Creative Asset Collection | Retail Product Vision | Style Guide
Animal Planet’s Latin American Kingdom celebrates the biodiversity of Latin America. StyleWorks developed a merchandise style guide featuring custom illustrations for twelve of the western hemisphere’s most unique and inspiring animals. The guide was geared towards young adults in Latin American markets, with a focus on apparel, loungewear, travel accessories, and stationery.

Custom Illustrations
We started by creating vibrant, eye-catching illustrations for each of the twelve animals featured. We also provided graphic cues for their individual habitats.
Many of the animals chosen held a specific cultural significance, some a national symbol for the countries they inhabit today, others going back thousands of years to ancient civilizations.

Embellished Typography
We created illustrated wordmarks for each animal, with their names set in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, as well as indigenous languages depending on the region.
We also included pertinent information that could be used for product or packaging copy, including the scientific name for each species and other facts.
Composed Designs
Combining the animal illustrations with their wordmarks, we created a selection of composed designs, many of them using a mirror image technique. Paired with the habitat elements, tribal markings, and other embellishments, it made for an original interpretation.
Rich Patterns
The individual graphic elements were also combined to create a series of patterns, one for each of the animals, sometimes incorporating their wordmarks, and a few grouping the animals together.
Product Retail Vision
Towards the end of the guide, we provided a four-page product retail vision that included travel products and retail displays to demonstrate the full potential of the brand.
We provided a similar retail product vision in our guide for Animal Planet’s Guardians of Endangered Species.
Extending the Artwork
To point licensees in the right direction, we provided a tutorial on how to use the various graphic elements in conjunction with animal photography. Our example began with an image of a jaguar and then demonstrated how to manipulate the image through filters and by adding the illustrated elements in layers.